
Strengthen the Body, Elevate the Mind!


RUNNING GAMES提供多樣化的挑戰,讓參與者在快節奏的遊戲環境中體驗緊張與刺激。從撕名牌到解任務,每一個遊戲模式都設計來測試參與者的策略、速度和團隊合作能力。無論你是尋求競爭性的遊戲體驗,還是想要享受純粹的樂趣RUNNING GAMES都能滿足你的需求。

Challenging and Exciting Game Experience Description

RUNNING GAMES offers a variety of challenges, allowing participants to experience tension and excitement in a fast-paced gaming environment. From name tag ripping to task-solving, each game mode is designed to test participants’ strategy, speed, and teamwork skills. Whether you are seeking a competitive game experience or simply want to enjoy pure fun, RUNNING GAMES can meet your needs.


RUNNING GAMES不僅是一個遊戲場所,更是一個建立人際關係和促進團隊合作的絕佳平台。在遊戲中,參與者需要依賴彼此的力量和智慧來完成任務,這有助於增強團隊的默契與信任,並改善溝通技巧。這使得RUNNING GAMES成為公司團建和朋友聚會的理想選擇。

Promoting Team Collaboration and Social Interaction

RUNNING GAMES is not just a gaming venue but an excellent platform for building relationships and promoting team collaboration. In the games, participants rely on each other’s strength and wisdom to complete tasks, which helps enhance team harmony and trust, and improve communication skills. This makes RUNNING GAMES an ideal choice for corporate team-building and friend gatherings.


RUNNING GAMES結合了體力活動與腦力激盪,有助於提升參與者的身心健康。透過多樣化的動作和策略遊戲,參與者可以鍛煉身體、增加耐力,同時激活大腦的思維能力。這些活動有助於減少壓力,提升心情,並增強整體的健康狀態,讓參與者在享受遊戲樂趣的同時也獲得身心健康的提升。

Enhancing Physical and Mental Health Description

RUNNING GAMES combines physical activity with mental stimulation, helping to improve participants’ physical and mental health. Through a variety of action and strategy games, participants can exercise their bodies, increase endurance, and activate their brain’s thinking abilities. These activities help reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve overall health, allowing participants to enjoy the fun of the games while also achieving physical and mental wellness.

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